SL Games Games for your second life!

Virtual Farming © 2022 Second Life Games

Virtual Farming Guide

What is a Virtual Farm

Virtual Farm an optional system for breeding and crafting supplies for our Virtual Fishing game. It's not necessary to have a farm for playing Virtual Fishing.

Farmers can produce their own worms and alchemy ingredients via Virtual Farms.

The game also includes a alchemy system (referred as Virtual Alchemy) which allows crafting potions.

2.0 Update

New farms (2.0) yields 1x bait package contains 100 worms (transferable) and alchemy ingredients after harvest.

Selling baits for L$ payment (Withdraw) no longer available in 2.0.

Potion charges changed 20x charges per potion. (Update will take effect in 17 October 2022).

Land owner tax for bait sales (20%) applied to older version farms (version 1.0 and older) (Update will take effect in 17 October 2022).

Game Mechanics

You will obtain ingredients for alchemy game with bait package.

Ingredients (mushroom and wildflower used in potion crafting) only available when you collect you worms.

Every farm comes with 2x breeding pack.

Every farm gives 1 point and 100 worms after harvest regardless type of farm.

Farms requires breeding pack to start each time harvested.

For additional breeding packs you can visit our [HQ]. Small breeding pack costs L$5. Medium breeding pack costs L$20. Super breeding pack costs L$30.

For a starter small worm farm neccesary. If you have more than 910 points you can get a medium worm farm. After reaching 1820 or more points you can get a super worm farm.

If production speed faster than sales, system will increase worm production duration. However amount of baits stays same for every harvest.

While farm bait production is always fixed production time can be changed according weekly bait sale statistics. You can track bait sale statistics in [Information] page.

Every avatar limited with max 10 farm purchases (each type of farm) for fair challenge.

All farms set to transfer due SL permission system. However transferring a farm to another resident will disable farm.

How to Start

Visit our [HQ] to buy a small worm farm.

Prices for small worm farm L$ 2120, medium worm farm, L$ 8120, super worm farm L$ 12220.

When the item is delivered, look for them in your "Virtual Farming - Small Worm Farm" folder in inventory. You need to rez the farm in your parcel.

Farms comes with two additional breeding pack bags. Rez your breeding pack bag and click on it. After unpacking our breeding pack bag we are ready for breeding. You can delete breeding pack bag after use. For additional breeding pack available for purchase at [HQ].

Click on your farm and click [Start] from menu. Farm will start breeding process.

After breeding time is over you can gather worms and resources by clicking farm again.

Resources can be used at Virtual Alchemy. Please keep reading for detailed information about Virtual Alchemy.

Virtual Alchemy System

Virtual Alchemy is a optional system used for crafting potions. Resources collected in virtual farming can be used to create potions.

Ingredients required for potions listed below.

You will need alchemy desk to create potions. Virtual Alchemy desk available at our [HQ].

Each potion requires a catalyst you can purchase catalyst at alchemy room.

Potions crated via Virtual Alchemy transferable. Crafter can sell it or use it.

Haste potion used in Virtual Fishing increases cast speed 20% for every cast. Comes with 20 charges.

Mentor potion used in Virtual Fishing increases point gain by 1 points after every cast. Comes with 20 charges.

Terms of Service

Updated Terms of Service page can be found here [Fun Games Terms of Service].